Saturday, December 15, 2012

I cannot believe I have spent 5 hours looking up the most random shit on google...
Obviously, these searches aren't the only ones that took up my time.
I'm not gonna lie.
It all started with Joan Rivers.
I did end up on this wonderful blog (I was still searching for things while reading it, though) about a military housewife who has 5 children. 2 of them have downs syndrome and 1 of the 2 is adopted from the Ukraine.
Absolutely blown away by how amazing her children are.

I don't know if it is because I'm about to start shark week or what, but children have been making me want to cry all night. They are such brave, curious, and innocent little creatures. I wish I didn't have such little patience, because they are freaking cute to look at or just hang out with for a bit, but it is totally awesome to just hand them back to their parents.

Oh glob, I don't know what I'm rambling about anymore.
I'm super glad I somehow opted out of the soppy self pity "I SUCK" post that I was thinking of in my head.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sometimes when I'm bored and the internet isn't working on my phone, I like to pull up the compass and make it point to exactly 0 degrees N.

I've gotten better at doing this faster, so it has become less fun…

Monday, October 1, 2012

So, I'm driving to my mom's house. The road I'm on is windy and next to a lake. I go around a corner and all of a sudden a couple of geese decide to just cross the road RIGHT in front of my car. I could've sworn the first goose held up its wing feathe and was like "Hold on bitch. We own the road now."
I watched them safely cross the road and was on my way. This seriously got me wondering...
Why is there never a dead goose on the road like squirrels/raccoons/deer/etc.? All those mofo's are dead dead with blood and guts out, shit is nasty. I have never seen a dead goose though. It's like thy know some kind of etiquette that saves them from getting hit.
I see geese cross the street all the time and cars stop and wait for them. A cat crosses the road and they will get smashed to bits. Wtf is this shit? Geese need to teach all the other animals Aristocats Style how to cross the road. Them mo'fuckas don't die.

I am missing some points that I wanted to make, buy I've been gradually typing this rant on my phone all day at work... I am not spellchecking this thang either.

Peace out bxtches.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

When I woke up finally, I walked out into this hot mess of a movie, Wisegirls. My first thought was "HOLY SHIT! It's Romy! She looks like a total babe in this movie!" Then I realized this was going to be some sappy bullshit girl power movie. The beginning of it really is.

"We'll be friends 4evr! Next year we will be doing the same thing! I love you all! It's really my birthday, but we'll pretend its all of our birthdays!"

Shit goes down. Apparently the mob is in the movie, the son is a fucking babe, and people die.

I don't know where I'm going with this post, but shit just got interesting.

I haven't made a post on here in a long time, so I thought about posting how ridiculous this movie is.
Romy just cut some dude up into baby pieces... The one whiny bitch is actually a cop.
I'm sure Romy is going to die in this movie.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

I'm not dead, I'm just maniacally retarded. Over the edge.
There has been so much that I have thought of over the past few months that I have been wanting to let loose on this blog, but I've been too lazy to log in. Too lazy to process what I'm thinking.
Though, as I'm typing this right now... I realize there doesn't need to be any though process while typing what I'm feeling. It comes naturally, and horribly inarticulate.

Right now I feel light weight and free, but really my life is about to fall through the floor.

I will try to update more frequently with the ramblings of a dumb dumb depressed white girl.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I have been terrified to get on the scale for the past few weeks. Afraid that I might see the horrible weight gain that I could feel. I've been upset with myself during these weeks, reverting to my old ways and bad habits.
I finally said fuck it and hopped on the stupid evil scale....
I haven't gained a single fucking pound. UGgghhggGGHHHH.
I hate myself for putting myself into mind torture.
Bye bye.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Oh my god, I feel like the saddest little fish in the sea.
a) Because I only own 2 of her items.
b) This going out of business sale is too much to pass up, but I have no green things to get anything.

WHERE IS ALL MY MONEY? Somebody buy me something from this sale. That dress. Her whole collection. A new car.
Those weren't real sentences. Who am I kidding?

Seriously, I'm just going to curl up into a ball and watch Naruto while I slurp my berry iced tea. Then I will cry myself to sleep.

Lookin' like a red-eyed demon right out of hipster hell. I was in the mood to look goofy as I was driving to Wal-Mart, thinkin' it would be funny and bring on some nostalgia to go in lookin' like a fool. As I pulled into the parking lot, I took them off all too fast and walked in looking normal, but still like a fool.
I have things scattered all over my room that I don't wear or do anymore. In a way, it makes me sad. I'm sure one day when I get my own place, I'll pick up on these wierd little things again. Right now is just not the time.

Friday, March 30, 2012

I was just thinking about this sentence moments before I saw this image. I wasn't asking myself the question, but merely thinking about how horrible it is to ask ourselves this. I find thinking about this rather dull and depressing.

My mom just told me that her close friend's wife has stomach cancer. Just like that. I immediately wanted to cry. (It's not very often that someone close or relatively close becomes fatally ill) Of course, hearing this I had to stop myself from thinking this horrible question. I swear, it puts me into a stupor. I feel like my brain goes numb just trying to wrap my head around it.

Why are we here?

I don't know.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I feel like I should change my page into something cool that will make me want to come back to this blog and actually post. Imean... it is what I'm going to school for.

Speaking of school, I'm lacking in the studies department. I need to get motivated again.
Motivated for a lot of things.
I want to paint again.
I want to start sewing.
I want to start reading again.

I'm the only thing that is stopping myself.

I walked into a Joann's store the other day to look at fabric and I immediately panicked. I felt like a horrible idiot and there were too many people.
This is my biggest fear about going to a physical school. I hate it.
I want to be so positive, but I stop myself.
I need to be positive, or I will be forever holding myself back.

I'm going to make a promise with myself to stay up beat starting tonight.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

If I smile like this, I look like Knick's nephew... Except I'm not half as adorable as he is.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'm so glad you went out of your way to make a big fuss about something, RUIN everyone's night, and didn't have to common courtesy to even apologize for being a huge psycho.

After all the shit went down, you don't even go and do what you were fussing about in the first place.



Saturday, January 21, 2012

I tried going to bed, but I guess I can't. I keep thinking about how stupid our weather has been. Changing from luke warm to freezing cold and back again, I start thinking about the end of the world. Then, I remind myself that this is Ohio, but then I remind myself that I don't remember weather like this last year or the year before. So, basically I'm freaking out about something that is horrendously silly and can't fall asleep.
I am now sitting on the bathroom floor with no pants on, about to give my night away to The Venture Bros and cigarettes. I'm in the bathroom of this fucking apartment because every other room is occupied by sleeping people. Damn, I'm glad that Mutti's friend is visiting, but I wish she had a spare bedroom or something.
My butt is gonna be numb soon.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I feel like the light warrior at Knick's house. I'm running around turning all the fucking lights that aren't being used. Then when I come back here, all the fucking lights are back on!!!! I will not lose this battle.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Basically, this was me saturday. Minus the whole ninja/paradox/shower thing...

I used to watch this guy's Argument video over and over and over again. Hoping that he would eventually put up new videos. It feels like it has been years and this is the next video that he put up.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lonely George by Peregrinus5Floh
Ugh! This was made by a DeviantARTist who I just recently stumbled upon. This makes me think about something I never thought about before. George has to work in the shop that him and Fred made all by himself! Uuuuuuggghh! I always thought about how he'd be the only twin alive, but never really thought about how he'd get on with the rest of his life without his other half. Ugh x20.

Going through Peregrinus5Floh's art is really inspiring and makes me want to learn how to use Gimp and make shit for my own DeviantART...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Oh snap! 100 posts in a year.
Whoo whoooo.
Except, I'm sure that I didn't start this on exactly January 1, 2011.