Saturday, January 26, 2013

I swear, whenever I get to Katy's we end up hanging out, bullshitting, eating, more bullshitting, and more eating.... Then all of a sudden, one of us pulls out our laptops and start showing each other things we find funny.
Somehow, three hours of our night ends up being devoted to watching videos of road rage/car crashes over in Russia.
This is absolutely addicting and terrifying. How the hell can these people be allowed on their roads? I don't believe they know what a turn signal is. I also think that the break is located somewhere on the back of the drivers seat, just enough under the headrest that they cannot reach it. Holy shit these videos boggle my little brain.
I would be in a constant state of panic if I had to drive over there. Yeah. Fuck. That. Shit.

I DO find this video hilarious and awesome, however. I find both drivers to be assholes, but this is definitely good payback.

I know I'm large and loud and for some reason proud, but Katy says I look retarded.

I say I look comfy.
People at work keep commenting on what I've been wearing lately.
I'm wearing warm. Fuck style and keep with the comfort right now.

The end

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The last two days have been absolutely mournful. I couldn't sit, lay down, laugh, eat, breathe... Even looking around was awful.
I think I'm finally getting over this. I just took some off-brand NyQuil and expect myself to be falling asleep very soon. Actually, I feel like I'm fighting it off right now.
Rosemary's Baby is playing. I'm only half watching. I need to rewind to about 15 minutes ago, but I don't think the medicine will allow me that time to watch it.
I'm done.

Friday, January 18, 2013

My chest/shoulder/neck area hurt so much. It feels like that ice cream shell topping: stiff and cold. I feel lik all I need is a spoon, and someone can crack me open and make me feel better. 
Before I went to bed last night, my throat felt like it was swelling and then I had a horrible cough. It's gotten worse since I woke up. I've eaten nothing but soup and I can't take it anymore. 
I'm gettin' my mac'n'cheese on.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Reading Chamber of Secrets while Memento is playing inthe background. Drinking hot chocolate while trying to push bitter feelings towards myself out of my mind. Bitter feelings I like to blame the prologue to my lady parts' horrible journey through a red river of burning hot pain for doing. 
This is me tonight.
The last fuck that I gave of the day was probably around 7 hours ago.
Also, I'm a huge fan of runon sentences. Fuck off.