Somehow, three hours of our night ends up being devoted to watching videos of road rage/car crashes over in Russia.
This is absolutely addicting and terrifying. How the hell can these people be allowed on their roads? I don't believe they know what a turn signal is. I also think that the break is located somewhere on the back of the drivers seat, just enough under the headrest that they cannot reach it. Holy shit these videos boggle my little brain.
I would be in a constant state of panic if I had to drive over there. Yeah. Fuck. That. Shit.
I DO find this video hilarious and awesome, however. I find both drivers to be assholes, but this is definitely good payback.
I know I'm large and loud and for some reason proud, but Katy says I look retarded.
People at work keep commenting on what I've been wearing lately.
I'm wearing warm. Fuck style and keep with the comfort right now.
The end