Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I love my MAC makeupz. I love the colors and I love the way my skin looks.
I remember the first time my mom took me into one of their stores. I was so confused and scared. The girl was testing out the makeup on me and I was nervous about my face being disgusting and broken out and greasy and slimey and just ugh.

She was all like, "Your skin is gorgeous!" and I was like "Yeucckk.. not." I mean I really didn't say anything, but just looked at her like she was crazy. I looked at my mom for reassurance about this crazy girl, like is she really gonna let this poor blind girl put makeup on my face? I don't know.

She put the makeup on my face and I felt all pretty and we bought it then left. After that experience, I felt like maybe I did have pretty skin. Maybe she was right? My self esteem had been shot down through the floor, into the basement, through the earth, and then smacked me in the face a couple years previous.  So, really, I needed that boost.

Now that I'm a tad bit older, and a regular customer. I realized that these girls have got to work on commission... And they probably have to tell you that you're really pretty and the makeup looks GREAT on you in order to make their sales.

Whelp. That just fucking sucks. I felt sooo good for sooo many years and then that finally dawned on me. I just went in yesterday and bought some foundation. My favorite girl was working and she let me try on some lip glass while she watched. She told me that it looked really pretty on me. NO it really really looked pretty on me. God, I wanted to laugh at her.

I'm so glad that I have a job that I don't have to push myself onto people. I really wish that the people would just stop calling, or we had some kind of forwarding to an answering machine service...

Again, I forgot where I was going with this post.