Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Update on the brand new iPhone:
I don't have to get a new one. Apple is brilliant and makes brilliant little machines that brilliantly don't break... brilliant.
Watchin' my Harry Pooter Blu Ray boxset thankyouverymuch.

Monday, November 21, 2011

I know they are saying pumpkin pie, but it sound like fuckin' pie. Damn you, Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree.. If anybody disagrees, I'm sending the Fuck-You-You're-Wrong Police after them.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Makeup tutorial videos have been my favorite to watch lately. This particular video is crazy to me. I want to switch jobs and be a makeup consultant so I could wear my face like this. The colors!!!

Slowly but surely, I'm going to buy MAC makeup again. I'm so stoked.
Guess who has to get a new phone next week?
Yeah. That person was an idiot and tried to watch Netflix on her phone while drunk.  Then guess what I she did? Dropped it in the water... Now the speakers don't work and I she has to use the headphones to call people. Fuck me.
Gotta go buy a new phone next week.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Today, as I was driving my sleepy ass to Dunkin Donuts, I passed a woman walking down the street. From the way she was dressed, I could tell that she wasn't walking to any destination other than her goal weight. As I passed, I said, "You go, girl" quietly to myself. This was so I wouldn't seem rude by shouting it. Lately, I've been noticing myself mentally cheering on those that are slightly overweight and trying to alter that. 

I'm proud of them and ashamed of myself.

I refuse to get on the scale anymore. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Talked to a mean customer on the phone today. Damned woman made me cry. I really want to get super awesome at this job. I really hope they don't think I'm too weak to work in customer service.

Got my nails done and bout some MAC today to make myself feel better (and to celebrate my first paycheck). I keep making all these big plans with my future paychecks in my head. I've listed them several times before. I've also been thinking about getting an apartment, lately. I know I won't be able to afford one right now. I'm thinking about in the future, around my birthday.

I really can't stop imagining millions of mirrors in my apartment. I don't think it's because I'm a narcissist(but it probably is). I think it would be fantastic to have mirrors on my wall, on my table, and even have some decorations made out of mirrors. Mirrors are just swanky to me.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I now know why I've never been a flirt.
It's fucking sickening to be flirted with and/or watch someone be obviously flirted with.

On a high note: The Young Ones has been a part of my day and night. Whoo whooooo.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I just had this crazy psychedelic dream about deadly worms that get you high from their bloody bite.
Ugh. I didn't like it at all. I'm not a big fan of drugs. Imean, I have never tried anything but pot (and does that really count?). I can't really describe why it saddens me to find out somebody is hardcore into some crazy drug that I have never been around. Yet again, another post that couldn't be cared about.

OOOHH! I just remembered another part of my dream! I met Daniel, Emma, and Rupert from the Harry Potter movies... And either Knick turned into Rupert or Rupert turned into Knick. Either way, I had a steamy make out session with one of them before I woke up.
Oooh baby.