Saturday, January 21, 2012

I tried going to bed, but I guess I can't. I keep thinking about how stupid our weather has been. Changing from luke warm to freezing cold and back again, I start thinking about the end of the world. Then, I remind myself that this is Ohio, but then I remind myself that I don't remember weather like this last year or the year before. So, basically I'm freaking out about something that is horrendously silly and can't fall asleep.
I am now sitting on the bathroom floor with no pants on, about to give my night away to The Venture Bros and cigarettes. I'm in the bathroom of this fucking apartment because every other room is occupied by sleeping people. Damn, I'm glad that Mutti's friend is visiting, but I wish she had a spare bedroom or something.
My butt is gonna be numb soon.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I feel like the light warrior at Knick's house. I'm running around turning all the fucking lights that aren't being used. Then when I come back here, all the fucking lights are back on!!!! I will not lose this battle.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Basically, this was me saturday. Minus the whole ninja/paradox/shower thing...

I used to watch this guy's Argument video over and over and over again. Hoping that he would eventually put up new videos. It feels like it has been years and this is the next video that he put up.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lonely George by Peregrinus5Floh
Ugh! This was made by a DeviantARTist who I just recently stumbled upon. This makes me think about something I never thought about before. George has to work in the shop that him and Fred made all by himself! Uuuuuuggghh! I always thought about how he'd be the only twin alive, but never really thought about how he'd get on with the rest of his life without his other half. Ugh x20.

Going through Peregrinus5Floh's art is really inspiring and makes me want to learn how to use Gimp and make shit for my own DeviantART...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Oh snap! 100 posts in a year.
Whoo whoooo.
Except, I'm sure that I didn't start this on exactly January 1, 2011.